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000043_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Thu Jan 15 22:54:37 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Thu Jan 15 22:54:37 1998
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
Reply-To: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
To: "Troy E. Bouchard" <tbouchar@ptialaska.net>
CC: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 17:10:46 +0500
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.5 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: Mushroom PD - AMOS Public Domain Library
Subject: Re: HTTP digest
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It was on the night of 14-Jan-98, when no creatures were stirring, and all was
silent. Suddenly, Troy jumped out from behind a rock and wouldnt stop shouting
about "Re: HTTP digest" until I was forced to knock them out:
�-> I've since fixed the problem with the Amiga Browesers. Yes ... It was
�-> MY FAULT... I read the HTML book wrong. Anyway - I won't upload and
�-> double the work if you are going to publish in HTML. I only saw text
�-> files and when downloaded and opened it was very agravating to plow
�-> through all those headers and such to finaly get to the meat of the
�-> message. HTMLDigest takes all that out and you just see who it is
�-> from the date, and subject. If you want to read it - click on the
�-> link. et volia! no more plowing through tonnes of text.
Feel free to upload the HTML archives, but all I suggest is you add the month
AND year in the archive, so in years to come, people wont get mixed up. Oh
yeah, best place them all in a folder with the Month and year too, as there is
nothing worse than unpacking an archive into a root drawer, only to discover
it places them all in no folder of its own, hehehe. Just gonna check your
archive version...
Ok, back. Dear oh dear, its extremely basic. Why are you using Thor, of all
things, to make the files? Why not just use AMOS instead of an AREXX script.
First thing I did, was load in the massive HTML file, which still has a lot
of HTML errors in it I may add, and decided that the file was way too big
to be using as a digest file anyhow, especilally people to low-spec
machines (the browser window buffer size would be too great). It did have
some nice looks on it though, which improved the index.html file layout,
which serves the user a lott better.
My program will format itself completely different, provide more info
on-screen, as well as some cute GFX, index files, and other bits and pieces
to make it look more presentable. I would like to try and put together the
one for January if thats OK, as I have a copy of all the files anyhow for
when I post them all to the newsgroup.
If January's test is successfull, I shall convert all the files from the
last 5 years to the HTML format and upload them. Anyone has any comments or
suggestions, feel free to contact me.
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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